Please tell us about your visit:
Was this your first visit to the Okains Bay Museum?
Select Yes or No Yes No
If you have visited before, when was your last visit?
This year Last year 3-5 years ago 6+ years ago Don't remember
How long did you spend at the museum?
Select an option Less than 1 hr 1 to 1.5 hrs Between 1.5 to 2 hrs Between 2-3 hrs Between 3-4 hrs More than 4 hours
On this visit, who did you visit with?
Choose one I came alone Partner/spouse Friend/s Family Group School Group Organised Tour Club or Social Group Other
How many were in your group?
How many in your group were children?
What was your reason for visiting Okains Bay Museum
Select the best option To see a specific item or collection A general interest in museums In the area/passing by To learn about the local area On holiday / a ‘must see’ visitor attraction It was recommended to me It’s good value for money Making a return visit Curiosity / To fill in time Saw advertising/signage An outing with friends Taking the children Showing another/others around Using a nearby facility (i.e camping ground, holiday home, park) To attend an event or public programme Other
How did you find out about the Okains Bay Museum?
Select the best option Recommendation from a friend/family member Going passed/saw a sign Information Centre/iSite Tourist guide book News media Brochure Website Social Media TV programme Other
Where else did you visit on the same day?
Tell us about your experience:
How would you rate your visit to Okains Bay Museum?
Did your visit to the museum benefit you in any of the following ways:
Select the best option Enabled you to learn new things Given a new or deeper understanding of the world around you and/or events within it 1 Aroused an interest in something new Enabled you to see things from a different perspective Helped to clarify or strengthen your personal values or beliefs Increased your concern for or commitment to a particular social or environmental issue Made you feel more connected to your heritage, culture or spiritual identity Reinforced your connection to the people you visited with Gave you an opportunity for reflection Made you feel more relaxed, rejuvenated or refreshed
Please tell us about some of the highlights of your visit?
How could your visit have been improved or enhanced?
Please tell us a little about yourself:
What village/town/city do you live in?
What age group are you in?
Choose one Under 13 13-19 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-64 65-69 70-79 80-89 90+
What gender do you identify as?
Male Female Non-binary Trans Gender Other
What ethnicities do you identify as?
Did you know that Okains Bay Museum is a charitable organisation?
Select Yes or No Yes No
Would you like to stay in touch with the museum?
Select Yes or No Yes No
If you are human, leave this field blank.